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Buttweiler Environmental Portal

Buttweiler Environmental Portal screenshot


The Buttweiler Environmental Portal was my final capstone project to graduate college with an Associate's degree in web design and development. In order to complete this project, I was assigned to a group with five other students. We collaborated and combined our various skills to complete this project within an Agile environment. We met once a week with our group, once a week with our client, and scheduled other meetings as required.

My part of the project was implementing the PHP scripting code to connect to our MySQL database through a React environment. This scripting code allowed users to submit data to the database and to query data from the database to display. I also designed some of the database tables and managed the database using SQL code and the MySQL Workbench. In addition, I also coded a separate database admin portal so users could manage the database without the use of SQL code or the MySQL Workbench.


  • PHP
  • Database design
  • Database management
  • MySQL workbench
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • SQL