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Scribe screenshot


Scribe is the case study project that I created for my TekSystems Java Bootcamp. I created the project from scratch from beginning to end and worked on it throughout the bootcamp.

Scribe is a web application that will allow users to register an account that will let them create, edit, and delete documents and folders, and store those documents into different folders. It's a dynamic web Java Spring MVC application that utilizes Maven dependencies. It has full CRUD functionality using JpaRepositories and custom SQL queries. It uses Service classes to access the different repository interfaces. Models are used to connect with the database. The database is built with MariaDB using the HeidiSQL GUI interface and run with Tomcat server on localhost:8080. Testing is done using JUnit and Mockito.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java
  • JpaRepositories
  • SQL
  • Database design
  • Database management
  • JUnit and Mockito
  • Spring MVC
  • Maven
  • Content writing
  • UI/UX wireframes
  • Documentation