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about me

I got my degree in Linguistics from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. I've been a writer my whole life and I hope to become a published author one day. As I went through high school, my interest in languages and how they worked increased and I decided to pursue a degree in Linguistics instead of in English.

My college was a bit of a rarity in that it taught both Generative and Cognitive Linguistics, which I'm very thankful for. I am personally very interested in Cognitive Linguistics and lean toward a Cognitive rather than a Generative perspective of languages. My favorite courses in Linguistics were Historical Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, and Language and the Law. I also took courses in Morphology, Syntax, and Philosophy.

While in school, I continued my education in Spanish and I also studied Ancient Greek. I completed school projects on Polish, Icelandic, and English. My senior capstone project was titled "Pronouns and Loss of Grammatical Gender in English" and as evidenced by the title, focused on why English is the only Germanic language that does not have grammatical gender. This project covered Historical Linguistics as well as Gender Studies.

I am by no means an expert in linguistics, but it is something that I greatly enjoy learning about. My degree in linguistics has changed the way that I view the world and makes me analyze the way that I say things and the way that other people say things. It is fascinating, the amount of language that we have around us. Even coding this website itself is a form of language that we invented that has syntactic rules and conventions.