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There are multiple linguistic conferences around the world that go on. The Linguistic Society of America hosts Annual Meetings the first week of every January in a major U.S. city.

The Semantic and Linguistic Theory (SALT) holds conferences every year in major U.S. colleges and universities.

The LSA has a list of conference calls you can join on their website.

The Language Creation Society holds annual conference titled the Language Creative Conference, which you can read about here.

The LSA also has a list of international linguistics organizations on their website.


Linguistic Society of America (LSA). They offer memberships where members can gain exclusive access to conference calls, conferences and events, as well as publications.

Endangered Languages is a linguistic organization whose goal is to preserve endangered languages from around the world.

Language Creation Society is a society of conlangers, cofounded by David Peterson, author of The Art of Language Invention.

All Things Linguistic contains fantastic resources, blog posts, and information about Linguistics.

IPA Chart IPA pronounciation chart with sounds!

Linguistic Society of America (LSA) contains fantastic resources for linguists.