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As I've said before, linguistics is a huge field with many different areas of study. Here's some of the fields of linguistics that I didn't cover in the other articles.

Computational linguistics Deals with computers and computer languages. Computational linguists deal with information processing, machine translation, speech recognition, search engine optimization and more.

Psycholinguistics Deals with the study of psychology and linguistics, in particular, how humans have the biological and psychological capacity to process language and how our language processes effect our psychology (and vice versa).

Semiotics Deals with the study of symbols and symbolism. Semiotics studies a wide variety of symbols, not just linguistic ones.

Anthropology While anthropology is a huge field in its own right, it also crosses a lot with linguistics, as language is a huge part of how human societies function and evolve over time.

Language Acquisition The process of learning languages is very important for linguists to study and therefore many people choose to study language acquisition. First Language Acquisition deals with how children learn language while Second Language Acquisition deals with how people learn a second language in addition to their native one (or even third and fourth languages).

Philosophy While also a field in its own right, philosophy also closely intertwines with linguistics, particularly with cognitive theories of linguistics and semantics.